944 8th Ave Suite 1

September Student Highlight of the Month: Darby Canessa

Where has yoga taken you?  Yoga has brought me to Sonic. It has taken me to myself, to my home, to my divine center. It has led me to a community I hold dear to my heart, and with it, a life full of discovery, mindfulness, joy, gratitude, and love. I started practicing to relieve tension in my dancing, and of course, Yoga has done much more than one could anticipate. I noticed the positive effects it had done for my dancing, and then overtime I began to realize the benefits Yoga had on my overall being. Yoga brings me joy, peace, freedom, love, and many other things that cannot be justified by mentioning them in a paragraph. I do not see Yoga as a part of my life, but I see it as my life. What we practice in the studio is what we practice in our daily interactions with the world around us. And through these practices, whether pranayama, asana, or meditation, we undergo many thoughts and feelings. We learn a little bit more about ourselves, breath by breath, and in the process of understanding ourselves, we understand the world we live in. If I am extremely angry holding bow pose, I figure out what to do with that anger, how to process it, how to breathe through any pain or discomfort. So, when I go outside and miss my train, or whatever it is that would normally upset me, I am able to control my reaction. With this said, I strive to go about life through a yogic lens. But I know that I am not perfect. There is always room to grow, in practice, in character, in life. The Yoga is there when I wake up. It is there throughout the day. It is there when I go to bed. That is the goal: to use it, not ignore it. It is there, we just have to be aware of it, and share it with each other. Whether in times of suffering or in times of bliss, the Yoga is there. Your toes do not have to touch your head for it to be there. You can still practice Yoga without being in a certain asana. There are many layers to the body, mind, soul, and universe that I have yet to explore, and Yoga has opened the channel for that exploration to take place. Yoga has taught me to act from a place of love, understanding, awareness, and selflessness. But I am still learning. I will always be learning. And I love it! 

How did your yoga teacher training influence your life?  My Yoga Teacher Training has made me who I am today. It has connected me to my self, mind body spirit, to the environment, to other people, to the life force energy, and to the universe. It has helped me become a better person, artist, and yogi. By becoming a “better” person, I mean it has helped me get closer to my authentic self, to my divine self. Everyone has a divine self. There is divine light within us all. My teacher training helped me find and ignite the light within. It has positively influenced the way I approach community. It has helped me find my voice. It has given me the opportunity to love and be loved. It has allowed me to give and receive. It has connected me with all that is. It has challenged me, and therefore has tested my dedication and built my character. It has put me in places of vulnerability, which are also places of strength and courage. It has provided a home. It has offered a new perspective on life. It has opened the channel.

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