New Ideas, New Perspectives, New Focus by Christopher Temple

Hey Sonic Tribe,

Spring is most definitely here! Spring means new birth; new Ideas, new goals, new perspectives, new focus. The universe basically stepped in and put part of the world on hold to give us a moment for new perspective. The powers that be are asking us to change the way we see things to allows for a broader, more aligned perspective.

What messages are you getting right now? Are you taking time to look and see what answers might be there for you in these interesting times? Everything happens for this reason, so that we can learn about ourselves and grow from the experience.

I know all are lives are very different. Some of us find that they have a lot more free time on their hands, others are finding a lot less. What is important is that we have time on our hands in the first place. Take a second, take a deep breath and say out loud something that you are grateful for.

I’m grateful for today and this community that I believe God has made me a part of. My own inner God. Now I’m also breathing into the idea that I want to walk out of this thing with some serious take aways.  I want to have grown from the experience. I want to know that I made some choices that matter to, at least, my own universe and hopefully in the process, made the world a better place. I want to learn something about myself that I never would have know if I hadn’t had this happen in my life.

Let’s be alert, let’s be present. Let’s be here now and open our eyes to live, love and learn from this moment. I can’t wait to hear stories of some new talent that you have picked up. Some new relationship you’ve made or maybe made a relationship new. Maybe you are lucky enough to trim some unwanted toxic thing or situation from your life. The universe will always remove the things we need to let go of if we let it. The sky is the limit on new possibilities.

My mind is drawn to the first yoga sutra of Patanjali, “Yoga is now!” Enjoy your adventures and make the most of the moment. Life is not a practice run.

See you (soon) on the mat.

Christopher Temple