944 8th Ave Suite 1

Hidden Blessings by Lauren Hanna

So, things have been a little crazy in the world recently.  Some might say we are living through very difficult times, and yes, times are definitely challenging.  But I like I to see this as a time of opportunity to find the Hidden Blessings in the midst of all the chaos.

Life today is definitely not what I expected to be living last year at this time.  But yet, here we are.  

It helps to acknowledge that things don’t always work out the way we hoped they would.  

But in order to not only survive but thrive,  my best advice right now, focus on the hidden blessings when things don’t go as planned.

Look for the openings amidst the turmoil that will light an even better path.

It doesn’t have to be something grand and life changing at first. Just find something small, something simple, that can open the doorway to beauty, happiness, or freedom. 

If you can find just one blessing, and focus on that one thing, I guarantee you that others will follow.

Start by acknowledging something simple, a glimpse of the full moon, a message in a song, the warmth of the sun,  the flavor of a fresh fruit, the scent of fall in the air.

Use your senses to find the openings that will awaken you to the gifts of life that are present even in the middle of the difficulty that surrounds you. 

Lean into these simple pleasures, let them light the path for you to seek out the gifts of the deeper grace, that the universe has in store for you.

All that you need in this moment is just the recognition of one sweet simple blessing, something that might be hidden right in front of your very eyes. 

That is enough to open the doorway and guide you forward into the abundance that is waiting for you. 

Many blessings,


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