944 8th Ave Suite 1

Balance is a Moving Target by Christopher Temple

We are often trying to find balance in our lives, in our relationships, finances, work time, play time, time for our colleagues, time for ourselves. We aim to acquire that perfect yin-meets-yang combination where we will find ourselves in a perfect state of bliss. It can be tricky. There are no hard and fast rules or guidelines telling us how much of our time and efforts that we should give to what and when. How do we know when to say when and how much to the many different people, places and things we want to commit ourselves to?

It starts with inner balance. Learning to quiet the inner self. Finding a moment of stillness to get perspective. Learning that we are captain of our thoughts and these thoughts must be guided. If we are not taking a moment to balance the inner universe than how can we possibly expect to balance the world around us.

From there we except that we can not control everything. We do the best we can and that is always the perfect amount. Breathe into the fact that balance is a moving target. If we strive towards something with all our being we must stay tuned within because what balance we thought we needed could change at any moment. Learning to listen within is the key to recognizing these changes and adjusting accordingly.

I had the fortunate experience of holding a chakra workshop last month at Sonic. Chakra meditation is an amazing way to start to creatively use the power of what is, coupled with the power of the imagination, to manifest that inner stillness that we so need.

A friend of mine was in need of some inner balance and so I created this meditation. I’m so happy to be able to share it with you as well.


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