944 8th Ave Suite 1


While I don’t remember specifically my first yoga class, I remember the first yoga class that put me on my yoga journey. A Tuesday/Thursday lunch-hour class at the gym across the street from my office provided me with my first exposure to a traditional, embodied practice. The first few weeks I didn’t think of it as anything more than a workout and an escape from work. It was so much more than that.

At this time in my life I was always overwhelmed with work and my career trajectory. Walking back to the office one day after class I realized I hadn’t thought about any of that for an entire hour – the first time in weeks! I attended this class bi-weekly for a year before I made the decision to pursue my 200-hr. I enrolled in July 2016 to start the fall extended session in September. The same week I started my teacher training I also started a new job that afforded me more flexibility in my schedule to accommodate teacher trainings. I had, up until then, believed I couldn’t add any more commitments into my life as I was too busy with work. My yoga practice has helped me to put things into perspective, by identifying what truly matters. Yoga has taught me I have the capacity to maintain a fulfilling and healthy personal life in conjunction with working hard in my professional life. 


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