944 8th Ave Suite 1

Pose of the Month: Sarah Ireland Chooses Chaturanga dandasana

Sarah Ireland Chooses Chaturanga dandasana (4 limb staff pose)

The complexity of the alignment in chaturanga is fascinating.
Powerful legs, integrated core and wide open heart all at the same time.
These complexities can be seen as a mirror for our lives in how we respond to challenges or obstacles.Can you stand in your power and face any challenge with a joyful, wide open heart?
Just like chaturanga, this takes practice, patience and compassion for yourself along the way.

Start in plank with the intention of exploration. Bring your shoulders over your wrists and your feet inner hips width apart. Engage your pelvic floor (mula bandha) and navel center (uddiyana bandha) and energize the legs. As you lift through mula bandha feel the energy rise through the central channel an out through the crown of your head. On an inhale, press into the balls of your feet to send your shoulders slightly forward of your wrists, as you exhale press your hands into the earth and bend the elbows straight back as they come in toward your rib cage.  The heart stays wide as the chest stays lifted and shoulders stay in line with pelvis and heels. From here, you can either lower all the way down to the earth or lift into upward dog, Keep your heart wide open, even through the challenge and let your breath guide your way. 

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