1Nasal Rise with Saline Solution Boil up a 24oz pot of distilled water and add 1/2 TBL of Organic Sea Salt. Allow it to cool overnight. Every morning use it in your neti rinse pot to clear out mucus from the sinus passages. They are super easy to use and you can get one at any decent pharmacy in the city. |
2Gargle with Salt Water Use that same salt water to gargle for about 30 seconds every morning too. Especially if you start to feel a sore throat coming on. Rinse well when you are done. |
3Tongue Scraping After you are done with the salt water rinses, using a tongue scraper, scrape away any trapped up bacteria from the tongue. 108 is a good number of reputations. If you want a great tongue scraper we sell them at Sonic! |
4Oregano Oil You can get this in capsule form. Organic is best and make sure there aren’t a lot of fillers or additives. It is great for boosting up the immune system. |
5Sinus Aroma Therapy My aroma therapy consultant embracesall.com makes me a chest oil to Strengthen the Immune System also support the Respiratory System. Use 2-3x a day or as needed. Use on chest, neck, and back.