944 8th Ave Suite 1

The Reason Is You by Chris Temple

Dear Sonic Community,
We put weight on the start of a new year. This meaningful milestone when the calendars change. We set goals, we swear resolutions. We make this turning of time “important enough” to make a change, to choose a better choice, to manifest a different outcome, to leave behind old ways of doing and thinking. It is only a moment. A beautiful moment, but just another moment. And life is made up of these beautiful moments, but they are not the reason.
You are the reason.
You are the reason to make a change. You are the reason you set a goal or swear a resolution. You are always important enough to make a better choice regardless of the day or time of the year. You are always now, you are always eternal, you are always worth it. YOU are the reason.
Chris Temple 
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