944 8th Ave Suite 1


“With a wealth of asana workshops to choose from, Keith Partington’s meditation intensive filled a need so many yoga practitioners have to deepen our understanding of the other limbs of yoga. Through experiential learning that included study, practice, and discussion we collectively explored the subtle yet significant distinctions between dharana and dhyana as well as considered the multiple means by which samadhi can be experienced. However, what was most enriching me about this unique opportunity was how effectively Keith was able to help us begin to comprehend the supremely empowering philosophy that we are each already all that we seek, and how such a truth can radically alter our understanding of ourselves and our relationship to self, to others, and to the Self as the union of both self and others.”

“Keith’s advanced education philosophy module was trans-formative. Keith’s deep passion for the philosophical and spiritual aspects of yoga were instrumental in shifting my own personal awareness and redefined why I wanted to practice and ultimately teach others. If you’re curious about what lies beyond the mere physical practice of yoga asana, Keith is surely the teacher to guide you on this expansive journey.”

“As a yoga and meditation instructor, Keith’s teaching style is economic, disciplined and rooted in awareness and compassion for oneself. His succinct directives challenge the mind and body, eliminate confusion, promote diligence and improve focus. Regardless of experience level, students will find an unprecedented level of mental clarity when they leave a class lead by Keith.” 

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