944 8th Ave Suite 1


Hey and thanks for checking out this post! My mom took this picture of me in Athens Greece this summer. Being able to pop up into a backbend isn’t always something that’s available to me (let alone to most people). I was inspired to do a backbend under these beautiful arches of greenery, and was able to. It made the moment even that much more fantastic, especially when I swipe through holiday photos and have an opportunity to reflect. When I look at this picture now, I am reminded that often times I feel much less flexible.

Whether we realize it or not, how we are feeling in our hearts and minds is very intimately tied to how we feel physically, and visa versa.

Our yoga practice reflects what we are experiencing in our lives. It gives us the chance to observe how we feel physically, and how that plays on our energetic and mental capacities. Sometimes we come to the mat and feel an urge to move, only to realize the movement has released something physically that reveals a deeper, mental exhaustion, uncovering a desire to rest. Often times I come to my mat with great reluctance, feeling mentally spent. I begin to flow, and realize my physical body was tied up in knots. The movement releases the knots, and I feel energetic and have mental clarity.

I believe that our yoga mats are akin to magic carpets: They take us out of our normal spaces. When we have the opportunity to be outside of our regular situations and scenarios, we have the space to experience intense conversation, both literally and metaphorically, and importantly, without urgency.

Welcome yourself to your mat, without expectations or agenda, and always, with
big love. Thanks for reading! XoRebecca

Recommended playlist:

I often get questions about the music or my playlists in classes. I take time to create my playlists, and test them out on myself, and with you. When I feel pretty satisfied with them, I make them public. Feel free to use them at your disposal- follow me on Spotify (link). During the fall season, I have several go-to playlists. Here are links to them- you don’t need to be a subscriber to listen! Enjoy, XoR

“inspire” https://open.spotify.com/user/1214033636/playlist/1lIUWI909Rjhq8hiQNfUIN?si=KH2uMRv4SGiREyhYhwvxkw

“for fall, started in 2017” https://open.spotify.com/user/1214033636/playlist/14XkQqOKYN8EJBr1FRj0hA?si=liDd7tutRHmLrgN7YzhSeg

Sonic Teacher of the Month (November 2019) Sequence:

Oftentimes the transition from summer to fall and heading towards the shorter days of winter can bring us down energetically. I frequently am asked what postures can be combined to counteract the effects of a shorter daylight cycle. This sequence incorporates sun salutes to warm up, but then you move into gentle chest opening/back extension and hamstring/hip releases. Notice how your back and hamstrings feel before and after the warmup and after the gentle openers. Also note your mindset when you come to options for headstand or legs up the wall, or into the options for back bends. Are you listening to what you need, or doing what you think you “should” do? Check in with your breath, always. It’s your best guide.


Begin on hands and knees and move organically in cat/cow. Eventually make your way to downward facing dog and to standing (mountain pose) at the front of your space or mat.

Move through a couple of sun salutations to warm up.

Take a blanket or towel, and roll it up to be the length of your spine. Lay down with the blanket placed length-wise to your torso beneath your spine. Bend your knees and place the soles of your feet together, knees wide. (a reclining supta baddha konasana) for 3-5 minutes.

Remove the towel and now use it as a strap to come into reclining hand to foot, or supta padangusthasana: Hold your big toe or loop the towel around your foot, once on each side, 3-5 minutes per side. (This is just like seated forward fold, but you’re on your back)

After these reclining hamstring openers, return to adho mukha svanasana (downdog) with a block (or stack of books or pillow) under your forehead- for 1-2 minutes.

Walk forward to fold over your legs, into Uttanasana for another minute or so, then roll up to mountain pose, tadasana

If you’ve been practicing headstand, do headstand for 3-5 minutes, if not, legs up wall or handstand at the wall.

Finally, come onto your back, and practice a backbend of your choice- whatever sense of flexibility you are experiencing during this practice-  wheel- urdhva dhanurasana, or bridge pose – setu bandha sarvangasana

Last, sit, with legs apart into ‘V’ and then bend one knee so the sole of one foot is on opposite inner thigh. Turn your torso towards the straightened leg and fold forward; do each side. (Janu sirsasana)

Take a seated twist, one leg crosses over other and twist toward bent knee. Do both sides, counter twist briefly after each.

Savasana for a minimum of 5 minutes 

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