944 8th Ave Suite 1

Teacher of the Month: Chris Temple

Hey Yogis,
So the New Year is definitely here and 2019 is full speed ahead. Have you taken time to unplug yet? Pull yourself away from screens and allow yourself to sit with yourself in silence, or with meditative sounds. Put away your goals and resolutions for a few moments of a whole lot of nothing.Doing nothing from time to time is the key ingredient to keep yourself sane and to recharge, even if its just for a moment.
One of my favorite ways to unplug is to use sound meditation. Sound Meditation is the process of using sounds to allow yourself to relax and realign the emotional, psychological, spiritual, physical, social, mental and superficial. Sound healing meditation improves many facets of the receiver’s life, including emotional and social development, cognitive and motor functioning, as well as psychological and psychiatric health. I personally use crystal and Himalayan singing bowls as well as chimes, rain sticks and bells to enhance the experience. It can really take your conscious to a whole new level. If you can get to a sound bath or you don’t have the tools, don’t underestimate the sound of your own voice, one of the most powerful tools you have. Start with a simple om repeated over and over. Keep the same tone or change it up. Give yourself 5 minutes to the practice and notice what a difference this can make in your whole being.

Starting with bhastrika pranayama to clear the mind’s slate will really take it to a deeper exploration. 3 round of one minute each if you are familiar with the practice. Maybe just 20 seconds each round if you are newer.

If you have even more time time start with this wonderful prana moving practice. I call it the “air bender” practice.

Join me Feb 23rd from 6:30 – 8pm for a free to TT’s and Karmi Sound Bath at Sonic.

We will use this practice to remove stoppages and clear pathways towards your most powerful potent self.

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