I was intimidated by their experience and knowledge and adored them as the perfect balance of West and East, Jonathan notoriously wore jeans, always made me laugh, and he had the anatomy, cues, and physical alignment perfected whereas Lauren, the opposite, wore flowing Be Present pants, malas, and jewelry and complimented Jonathan by teaching the subtle energy of the practice, chakras, goddesses, and meditation practices, together they were the perfect synthesis of Shiva/Shakti, Solar/Lunar, Yin/Yang.
While studying with Lauren, I discovered Shiva Rea’s Prana Flow style of yoga that fascinated me, Shiva had that blend of practical and mystical, academic and aesthetic, structure and freedom, and I loved the way her classes seamlessly flowed from breath to breath.
Any time I get a compliment for my teachers, I usually say, well, I was taught very well by my teachers and owe them all of the credit, and to this day I consider myself a student as well as a teacher.
When you come to one of my Prana Vinyasa classes, you will sense a type of energy that class embodies, and it will focus on usually a particular region of the body that correlates to a specific family of asana. The components of the class will all help to gain access to a particular key action, as well as a related spiritual theme, each student practices at their own level or phase of practice. The class unfolds as a mandala of consciousness and sequenced like a giant movement meditation, and after a while, the patterns will become familiar like songs or verses, eventually the mind can divert more energy to the releasing into the practice for instinctual embodiment, resulting in the end goal. Meditation.