944 8th Ave Suite 1

Success: Mindset is the Key

Hey Sonic TT Alumni!

I was recently taking a course about how to use a particular software and found a hidden gem in what I was being taught. It wasn’t the focus of the conversation, however, there was some real insight. 

The speaker said that the number one reason he saw businesses fail in this particular industry was mindset! People don’t have the right frame of mind and because of this, their efforts never really come into fruition. Not because of money, not because of time, not because of a bad idea. Just the lack of ability to follow through. 

Being human is so interesting. We want something; a career change, a business endeavor, a new hobby or skill. We start on our journey and get some speed on our idea but often times we talk ourselves out of what it is what we are trying to accomplish. “It’s too late. We are too old. We are not good enough. We lack the skill set. We don’t have the time.” It seems the head will do anything and everything to talk us out of what we initially set out to do. 

I really think this is just our head trying to protect ourselves. We’d rather talk ourselves out of something than follow through and run the risk of failing. Failing IS NOT a four letter word. I know because I counted three times. It is a humbling way for us to find out if our ideas resonate with the universe and whether or not we should adjust and make some changes. 

A cookie company tries out a new cookie and if the public doesn’t like that particular cookie they don’t get all bent out of shape, they simply try again, and again. 

We need to strengthen our adventure muscle and learn not to defeat ourselves before we even try. Reach out. Grab that idea and hold it with two hands. Try it out, change it a bit and then try again. Let it crash and burn. Let it knock you off your feet and then get the heck up and try it out again and again and again. 

You have wonderful ideas that can make a change for you and the world. Don’t stifle your dreams. Don’t hide your ideas. Don’t go quietly. Raise hell!!

Today my goal is to find out what doesn’t work so, in turn I can find out what will. 


Chris Temple

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