944 8th Ave Suite 1

Special Central Park Summer Series – 7 Days a Week!


Hey Sonic Family,

Thank you so much for your love and support these past few months.  We are still waiting on the Governor’s go ahead to re-open the studio. 

In the meantime we are working hard to keep the studio afloat until we can open our doors to our beloved community.  

But we miss you all,  so we are adding a Special Central Park Summer Series of Classes for the months of August and September. Spots will be limited to 18 students to stay within Central Park regulations.  In order to accomodate teacher salaries, we will have to limit  member attendance to one complementary Special Central Park Summer Series class each week. 

Please contact frontdeskmanager@sonicyoga.com to receive the code.

Classes will be held outdoors and follow all social distancing regulations. 

Monday, Wednesday + Friday at 7:30AM

Tuesday + Thursday at 7PM

Saturday + Sunday at 10:30AM

Thank you so much for helping us push through these unprecedented times.  Please reach out if you have any questions.


Lauren and Chris

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