944 8th Ave Suite 1

Say Yes by Lauren Hanna

Yoga Training in Time SquareNamaste

I’m writing to you all from the land of my ancestors Bella Italia.

One of the things that I’ve learned from these spicy, loving, loud, beautiful people, is to say Yes!

Carpe Diem, seize the moment is a strong current that underlies the Italian culture. They are known for their spontaneity and their ability to fully live in the present!

While here in Italy this quality is contagious! I’m so aware of the sacred in each moment, how short our life time truly is and am realizing it is often now or never!

I jumped off some cliffs,  swam through wild caves with magnificent blue water, rode on a crazy banana, ate things I’ve never eaten before. Saying yes sometimes meant allowing myself to rest in the pause, to nap in the middle of the day, to be still, to nurture and love myself.

And most importantly I also said yes to connecting with strangers, making new friends, sharing my heart and opening to the beauty unfolding around me at each moment!

So I encourage you all today to say yes to something you haven’t before. Perhaps there is fear or inhibition holding you back … breakthrough, dive in, enjoy each moment, be present and live this beautiful life you’ve been given.

Till we meet again
Con Amore
With love,

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