944 8th Ave Suite 1

Remember to Be by Christopher Temple

Summer is here. At least I think it is. It’s still a bit chilly for my comfort but I guess that’s just me. I’m always down with the heat and humidity and not ‘so much’ with the cooler temperatures.

As the summer opens we feel the fire of rajas (action) kicking in. We hardly have to move a finger and the swirl of an energetic rise is felt. I always find myself feeling emotions and energies with an overwhelming newness like I’ve never felt them before. It happens every summer. I’m pretty sure it stems from the slow removal of the tamasic veil of winter. Now that theses energies are allowed to fly the want to fly high. It is important for me to remember, more now during these pitta times, to let the practice come to me. 

Overheating and pushing to hard can make for a crabby soul. I need to let this emotional buzz pass through me like weather through the sky. I must allow myself to move a little slower and perhaps to not move at all. GULP!!! I spend a lot of time as a human doing instead of as a human being. Goals are important for me and carrying them out can be super rewarding but I always need to make sure that I am balancing that out with the occasional unplug from EVERYTHING. This summer I am committing to waking up and NOT looking at my phone until I’ve had at least 10 minutes of stillness to clear pathways towards a happier day. Who’s with me?

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