Jeffrey Duval has chosen Agni Stambhasana or Fire Log Pose, for the pose of the month.
November is that time of year where Vata increases and there is lots of energy that may feel scattered, or that you are just blowing around in the wind. Fall is synonymous with Vata, and there is an increase in the air and space element; both in nature, in our body, and in our minds. This is why you may feel “spacey” or act like an “air-head.”
Agni Stambhasana helps to activate the grounding qualities of Earth and the nourishing and fluid qualities of Water which becomes the antidote for Vata. Hip openers, if prepared for and done correctly, actives the parasympathetic nervous system which helps calm emotions, slow down the hectic rhythm of autumn and relaxes us in the root and sacral chakras. This stretch massages the difficult to access piriformis muscle which is known to alleviate sciatica. The muscles around the hips can get very tight, especially when we travel, rush, or compete to the finish line.
Look at nature, the squirrels are hiding their nuts, the birds fly warmer lands, the trees are offering their leaves back to the Earth. Nature is preparing for the emptying and stripping of Winter. What can you release, what excess fear or worry can you let go of as you trust and surrender to the changing rhythms of Autumn?