944 8th Ave Suite 1

Pose of the Month: Rebecca Evans Chooses Malasana

For September’s pose of the month I chose Malasana or yogic squat because its countless benefits make it an efficient counter to a fast-paced New York lifestyle. I drop into Malasana when I’ve been on my feet all day and my low back needs a break: on the subway, in the office, at concerts and in-line at the grocery store. Like most, I’m prone to lower back pain and this hip-opener stretches the lower back muscles.

Start standing with your feet shoulder distance apart with the toes turned out. Bend the knees over the toes and drop the hips into a squat. Heels remain in contact with the earth – if this prevents the hips from dropping below the knees, yogis can start with feet in a wider stance until the hips naturally open over time. With the hands pressed together at the center of the chest begin to connect elbows to inner thighs and press them into each other. Deepen the pose by rolling shoulders back and down the spine and lifting the top of the head to the sky on each inhale, and increasing the pressure between elbows and thighs with each exhale.

Take a few slow breaths as the hips take time to open. Use this as an opportunity to root down through discomfort and connect back with the self. 

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