944 8th Ave Suite 1

POSE OF THE MONTH: Mitchell Polon Chooses Sirdasana 2 (Demo)

It’s spring time! Now is a great time to start planting the seeds of intention. When we place our crown chakra on to the soil and ground with Mother Earth, we sow the seeds of growth. It’s also a great time of year to start inverting again; shaking off the chill of winter and adding heat so those newly planted seeds have a chance to grow! That’s why I’ve chosen Sirsasana 2 aka Tripod Headstand as April’s Pose Of The Month.

Start standing and separate your legs so your heels are as wide as your wrists when your arms are extended. Fold over your legs and relax in a wide-legged forward fold. Place the crown of the head directly on the mat in front of you. Then place your hands on your mat where you can see them. Push! Float your legs slowly until they meet. Don’t forget to engage the Bhandas! When you’re finally inverted, keep pushing! Don’t let the crown of your head brunt the weight of this inversion. Breathe! When your le ready to release the pose, float the legs to the point where they become parallel to the floor, then externally rotate your hips so your heels float the floor first. Voila! You’ve done a Tripod Headstand!

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