944 8th Ave Suite 1

Namaste Everyone

Namaste Everyone

How are you doing with your intentions for the New Year, the New Decade ? I know it can get hard to follow through with the plans that you made to make this year, different, better than the last. Hopefully you are right on track, but if not, I can help.

Create a Sacred Altar

This practice has been so helpful in keeping me connected with my practice for so many years. My altar is the place where I did much of the work that allowed me to manifest so many amazing things in my life.

Having sacred altars in my home has been an anchor for my spiritual practice. When I wake up in the morning and see something solid and beautiful, it reminds me to tap into my higher self. It is extremely comforting and motivating.

I actually have many altars, one in almost every room of my house, which are constant reminders to keep my mind united with the higher thought realm, away from negative patterns and stress.

Why Make an Altar ?
I know that we tend to think of altars as being religious, but they don’t have to be.
I see my altar as my personal sanctuary, the place I go to find stillness and peace of mind.
I also use my altar as the space to reflect, set intentions, and access my deepest intuition and strength.
Home altars can be a way to consciously connect to things that matter most to you in your life. They are physical representations what you love and your hopes, dreams and intentions. A place where you can go inward, honor your ancestors, your family, and yourself.

How to Build Your Altar:
Your altar can be as simple or ornate as you like. It can be a small area in a corner your room or a very simple shelf in your home. You can designate a part of a small table or shelf, or a whole piece of furniture. My main altar is held on a small end table that I found at a thrift store.
Once you have your platform, it is customary to cover it with a cloth. You can choose any piece of fabric, a shawl, or scarf. Usually you will also have a cushion or a seat to sit at in front of your altar. Or you can just have a small rug. You can also put your Yoga mat on the floor in front.
What to Put on Your Altar:

Sacred Items
Any item that you feel is sacred to you. It can be a photograph or a loved one or a special place that you’ve traveled to. It can be an object that someone you love has given you as a gift or something you have collected in your travels.

The Five Elements of Nature
Earth can be represented by a rock, shell or plant. Water by putting a small bowl of water. Fire, with a candle. Air with incense, palo santo or sage. Space with a Sri Yantra.

Offerings of food
You can place different fruits, nuts, seeds on your altar as an offering to the Universe. Be sure to change the offerings and keep them fresh.

Essential Oils
You can have a bottle of your favorite oil to anoint yourself before practicing.
Palo Santo, Frankincense, Yang Ylang, Lavender, and Vetiver are all good for meditation.

Mala beads
Use any sacred jewelry that feels special or a gift that is meaningful.

Using crystals can bring beautiful energy to your practice. Rose quartz is a good one to start with to cultivate love.

Spiritual Books or Poetry
Choose any book that connects you to your heart and feels upslifting and inspirational.

Are great to write daily reflections, intentions or gratitude.

A piece that you love to look at that you have made yourself, been gifted or purchased.

Statues or Pictures of the Gods/Goddesses
Only if this resonates for you from your own religion or the Yoga tradition. Ganesha is a good place to start as he is the remover of obstacles.

 How to Use Your altar :
Your altar is now your sacred space. You can sit here in the morning and in the evening before bed. The more you sit at it, the more powerful the energy of your altar will become.
You can read from your books, journal, do affirmations, chant, pray, meditate, visualize, journal, do your Yoga practice or just relax.
Be sure to tend to your altars and keep them clean and fresh. You can change it by adding new items, fresh flowers, plants, fruits or whatever you like.
You can also create smaller altars at different spots in your home. As you move through your house you can make silent offerings to your altars and receive the blessing of positivity, peace and love that it sends back to you.
Your altars will be a constant reminder of your highest intentions. It will keep your mind focused away from mundane thoughts, struggle and stress and keep you aligned with your higher purpose and the joys and beauty of life.

With Love,

“That which is placed on the altar is altered.” ~ Marianne Williamson 

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