944 8th Ave Suite 1

Namaste Dear Teachers by Lauren Hanna

Namaste Dear Teachers,
I’m so excited to be gathering with you all on Tuesday May 22 for our Essential Oil Teacher Training Kula gathering. As some of you know took my Aromatherapy certification a few years ago, and since then have been obsessed with essential oils. I use them in all aspects of my life, but they are so powerful as an added element in my Yoga practice. You can use the oils to heal, to awaken, to balance, to enlighten, to ground, to expand, to do so many things. I haven’t really taught a formal lesson on the oils yet, so I am overflowing with excitement and really looking forward to sharing my love for them with you.

At the Kula I will introduce to you my 5 favorite essential oils for Savasana. We will learn a little about the healing power of essential oils and how we can use them to support our Yoga practice. We will smell the oils, study their healing properties and learn the best methods for application. There will be lots of time for sharing and questions. Then I will allow you all to choose your favorite oil and you can apply it as I guide you into a deep healing balancing Yoga Nidra Practice. Sounds yummy right? I hope to see you there! If not, I have some plans for lots more essential oil training to come! If you have any ideas, or requests about the oils or what you would like to learn, please let me know!
Have a Happy Blissful Summer ! With Love, Lauren

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