944 8th Ave Suite 1

Love. Strength. Bliss. SONIC WARRIORS


“I am a warrior because I am not afraid of failure, I’m resilient and overcome obstacles, and I’ll keep going no matter what. When there’s a will, there’s a way.”

“Sonic has changed my life for the better. I’m more in tune with myself. Emotionally I’m more calm, more tolerance for things around me, and more compassion for people around me. I’m more flexible physically and mentally, I’m less stubborn. Physically I’m healthier, I eat better, I’m at much better shape.”


“I’m a sonic warrior because I am growing every single day. Gotta hand it to the peeps at sonic yoga, they have built a community of people who are inspiring me to push boundaries and go new places.”

“Sonic yoga is my second home in the city. A small step up a few steps into a space that provides a sanctuary from the chaos of big a big Apple resident.”

Caroline Alarcón Loor:

“I’m a warrior because I don’t give up easily. I want to be many things and I know that it takes steps to reach those goals. I am patient but persistent in taking those steps. I am not as flexible as before but I’m still grounded and balanced, thanks to what I have learned from my yoga teacher training at Sonic.
Being at Sonic was one of the most wonderful experiences I have had in my life. Every time I used to leave the classroom I left with inner peace and confidence. I will never forget that.
Aside from that, I will never stop promoting yoga because it also healed a never ending pain that I had on my scapula for years. All those shoulders openings asanas (downward dogs!) worked better than medicine and therapy.

 Derick McKoy:

“I am a warrior because I strive for growth and success in both triumphs and failures. I practice patience, I explore deeply and I care for others around me.”

“Sonic Yoga has awakened my mind, my body and my heart to peace. I am stronger, more open and more patient with my practice in movement and my practice of life.”


“I am a Warrior because I am relentless in my pursuit of Truth and understanding.”

“Sonic has changed my life because it introduced me to members of my family that I didn’t know I had. It has allowed me to expand my yoga practice, as well as cultivate a deeper, more intuitive relationship w/ my body. I have developed the capacity to listen to my inner wisdom through alignment, rigor, and sheer joy. I LOVE SONIC.” 


“I am a warrior who loves love and balance.”

“Virabhadrasana III-Warrior III- is a strong balancing pose in yoga. This standing posture helps to create stability throughout your entire body by integrating all of the muscles throughout your core, arms, and legs. Sonic yoga is where I have found my balance, community, brilliant teacher/ friends and the tools to keep growing and helping others. It has helped my balance/stability on and off the mat. I am beyond grateful for the wonderful friends I have made through Sonic yoga. I aim to hold my balance poses for 20 seconds or as long as I can to ignite my willpower. Over time, increasing your hold times helps you to build endurance. They say that doing muscular action is the most direct expression of willpower in our body. Balance gets more challenging as we age so it is important to practice it. I am grateful to sonic everyday and every time I get to teach yoga.”


“I am a Warrior because recently I had the courage to move, away from everyone I love dearly & everything I know, to start a new, beautiful life with the love of my life!”

“Sonic Yoga has made an extraordinary impact on my life, spiritually, emotionally, & physically. I arrived at Sonic at a difficult point, & through the education of our teachers, I learned self reflection, patience, & strength. I learned that yoga is always with us, on & off the mat, an amazing lesson that has been instilled in me. Our community is one built on love & support, & I am so fortunate to have met beautiful women who are now some of my closest friends. I feel so blessed to be a part of Sonic & to continue practicing with our teachers, ones where no matter how many times I show up, I am always inspired. Teacher training was a gift, having studied yoga on an intimate level, guided by our insightful teachers. When I reflect on my journey with Sonic Yoga the truest words that come to mind are ‘blessed & grateful.’”

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