944 8th Ave Suite 1

June 2018 Sacred Fertility Yoga Blog

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
is a Sanskrit mantra which means:
“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”

Research has shown that women who are connected to other women who are trying to conceive are more likely to get pregnant than women who go at it alone. I understand it is sometimes difficult to see beyond our own struggles, but this mantra will open your heart and mind to a broader circle of consciousness. By chanting this mantra, we move from our personal self and radiate a prayer of love for all women who are trying to become mothers and the world around us. It takes us from the egoic, small self, and its limited world view, and radiates from us global wellbeing. It is a reminder we are a part of the universe and can positively impact all of creation including ourselves.

A more detailed translation:
lokah: location, realm, all universes existing now
samastah: all beings sharing that same location
sukhino: centered in happiness and joy, free from suffering bhav: the divine mood or state of unified existence
antu: may it be so, it must be so (antu used as an ending here transforms this mantra into a powerful pledge)

This translation shares the full depth and breadth of this sacred mantra:
Lokah Samastah refers to the idea that we are all living in one connected field or plane. That we are not separate. It shows us that we all experience the same challenges independent of time or location. We are all part of a collective effort . It encourages respect and love for the planet, for all living things, and for all beings so we may live together in harmony.

Sukhino honors the sweetness of life and spirituality, it goes beyond the happiness of the mundane plane. It refers to the nectar of divinity that flows from the spiritual heart. The freedom implied in Sukhino recognizes the laws of free will and our equal rights to pursue freedom. It encourages us to respect the freedom of others and to be mindful of our actions to not suppress the freedom of others.

Bhav refers to the feeling state of love. It acknowledges that love is our purest state and it is our inherent nature. It encourages us to move from this divine state of being so that we can shed grace on all those that we encounter.

Antu turns this mantr into a proclamation rather than a request. It adds power and potency to the words and gives the mantra its vibrational strength.

Chant the mantra at any point in your life when you want to feel connected to all beings. The mantra is helpful to heal when you are feeling blue and to lift you up even higher when you are experiencing joy.

You can follow this mantra with Om Shanti Shanti Shanit,
Peace, Peace, Peace
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