944 8th Ave Suite 1

Healer of the Month: Thalia Longchamp

Thalia Longchamp, CBT Practitioner & Shamanic Reiki Master
“I use CBT frameworks, Shamanic counseling & techniques, and Reiki to assist with the healing process and alignment of others. 
Paragraph: I am an intuitive Emapth, Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, and Claircognizant. All of which have been gifts of mine since childhood. I always attracted many people towards me who needed guidance, healing, and understanding.For years I have been fine tuning and refining my gifts to be the clearest vessel I can be to receive messages from spirit to bring about transformation to myself and others.Within the first 40 minutes of my practice, CBT is done to help first with the mind- rerouting the cognitive process which in turn effects the emotional and behavioral responses to any outer or inner triggers. I’ve found that this type of applied awareness, massages the individuals psyche in order to receive the next 40 minutes of sessions which is Shamanic Reiki.”

FOR THE SONIC COMMUNITY: Original price for Zoom sessions is $200. Sonic prices: $175 
Contact via email: spiritbythalia@gmail.com

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