944 8th Ave Suite 1

Creating space for the Self by Mitch Polon

One of the most profound moments in the advancement of my practice was the shift away from group classes when the pandemic hit.
I quickly realized that I relied on a schedule, created by others, where a teacher would verbally guide me through a series of physical poses, to tap into my Yoga. But when this certainty disappeared, I needed to make a new commitment to the Self and tap into Sadhana – the practice of self-study, in order to find my pathway to the greater Self. This was no easy feat. As a practitioner and teacher of Yoga, I knew that I could no longer lean on to my teachers for guidance. I was ready to listen to my inner Guru and dedicate at least a few minutes every day to my own personal practice of Yoga.
What I found was, through the thousands of hours of practicing under the guidance of others, my inner voice was strong. Instead of just hearing, I began to actually listen to the voice within. And I was able to tap in and decipher its mysterious language. 

The past year has found me advancing in not just only my physical practice but my mental and spiritual one as well. Who knew that the moment I stopped hearing the voices of others that the language of the Self would speak so clearly. This was the moment I knew that Yoga was not just a “what if” but a truth. And that I could rely on it to guide me to a positive result if I just believe in its mystical system. 
There are only 2 times each day when you can be certain you can care for the Self – when you first wake up, and just before you lie to sleep. Dedicate these times to find your personal Self-care practice – A series of Sun Salutations, a few rounds of a mantra that lifts your sprit, maybe a seated meditation or journaling your dreams, your hopes and creating a positive goal that you can achieve.
As studios shift towards reopening, I once again find joy in flowing to via the guidance of my teachers. But now I know, this is just a tool. Finding your own personal practice means no matter where you are, no matter that the world throws your way, there’s always a true pathway to uplifting the Self.
I hope to see you in the studio and on the mat so we can share our energy again. I am not only a teacher but a lifelong student. This is just another beginning, for us all. 


Mitch Polon



SIGN UP for the KULA with Mitch Polon

Sat. June 5th 5:30pm in the studio.

Real talk: Turning your passion for yoga into a full-time career.


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