944 8th Ave Suite 1

Awaken Your Inner Vision 

Namaste Everyone,

We have just moved through the contradictory time of the New Moon and the Summer Solstice. This new moon is telling us now is a time of inner compassion a time to anchor into the home within.  This period of inner nesting is important for future healing and rejuvenation.  

The Summer Solstice, longest day of the year is the time that we are being called outward to carry out the peak experiences of summer. Traditionally, we are celebrating, socializing, traveling, all things that right now are not so accessible. 

The inner energy is building and we all are longing for movement. Living through the pandemic and the BLM movement has stirred the pot of our emotions. We are all yearning for a shift and ready to take action. Our nature as Yogis is to desire evolution, progression and transformation.  

The challenges now with the phasing in of services and social distancing are creating obstacles to us fully diving in.  But just because there are physical limitations to our ability to take action right now, it doesn’t mean that we have to just stand by.  

Now,  is the perfect time to activate your vision, whether it’s psychic, intuitive, just plan old prayer or deep desire, to manifest the change that you wish to see.

The great Rishis, Yogic Sages, isolated in high mountains and deep forests,  focused their attention on cultivating their Yoga vibhuti’s or super powers to shift their own reality and impact the world around them.

The beauty of the light of summer is that it truly awakens our inner potential.  This is a great time to tap into that powerful surge and use it to support you in your own personal intentions.  

The outer light reflects the blossoming of our own inner light. We all have the inner ability to create change, to heal,  inspire and to awaken change using our psychic vision.  This is the perfect time to activate your super powers !  Vision is something we all have the potential to harness, and use to empower our life’s journey.  

In the Yoga tradition we believe that our psychic vision is a way to connect with the greater vision of the universe. We can learn to “see” things that will be supported by the universal consciousness. If we set a powerful intention behind that vision, the universe will support its manifestation. 

Here are some ways to awaken your Vision: 

  • Practice visualizing your dreams.  Begin by practicing Nadi Shodhana pranayama to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain.  Sit in meditation, in stillness.  Gaze to the third eye center. Begin to use your power of visualization to “see” all that you would like to manifest. See it alive and real as if watching a movie of your dreams coming true. Use all five senses to immerse yourself in this vision. Allow yourself to connect emotionally and feel the gratitude in your heart.
  • Sun Gaze to awaken the inner light.  Mediate on the light of the sun, drink it into your body and your energy field. Allow it to activate your solar plexus, the store house of prana and to awaken the third eye center. Caution only do this during sunrise and sunset, never during the mid day sun which can be harmful to your eyes.
  • Trataka – Candle gazing – Light a candle and use it as your point of focus. Gaze at the flame for as long as you like. Notice the 3 parts of the flame, the black interior, the blue light and the exterior orange/yellow flame.  Then close your eyes. Relax. Concentrate on your third eye in the mid-brain.  Observe what arises. You may see a flame or a shape in any color. Gaze on that image. When you find your mind wandering, open your eyes and come back to the flame in front of you.  Try to keep either the actual flame or the flame in your third eye active throughout the meditation. Continue to concentrate on the flame within and without.  Hold this practice for 5 to 15 minutes.
  • Create a Vision Journal – inspired by the practice of morning pages of The Artists Way, the vision journal is a wonderful way to awaken your inner vision and manifest your dreams.  Each morning write a minimum of 3 pages long hand, you can write your visions, desires, and dreams. Commit to this practice for 30 days. 
  • Create a Collage or Vision Board representing the ultimate image of your reality. Cut out or draw pictures representing your deepest dreams and desires. Let there be no limitations. Create a vision that is infinite and has no obstacles. Add color and decorations to beautify your vision board. 

Enjoy this sacred inner time and focus your inner energy to awaken your inner light and manifest the change you would like to see. 

With Love,

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