944 8th Ave Suite 1

Alumni of the Month: Pamela Lyn

Yoga has taken me to myself. It has taught me to lean in, explore, trust, and connect. Yoga opened additional pathways for self-exploration & discovery. My practice provides me with (much needed) tools of grounding and meditation and has sparked curiosity into fields that may have otherwise been unknown. Yoga has brought me closer to my spirituality and has filled my life with incredible friends!

YTT had a tremendous impact on my life. It gave me the opportunity to deepen my practice and merge my passion for teaching with yoga. I was introduced to powerful concepts that have positively influenced me and continue to do so. YTT was a true blessing & gift.

My first yoga class was mind blowing! It was 1998, I was 18, and in college. As a dance major we were required to take yoga; the class was taught by our modern dance teacher & yogi from India. I remember her breaking down various asanas and talking a lot about utilizing the breath. In all my years of dance, I never heard anyone talk about mind-body connection and the power of breathing. It was a very profound experience. Andddd we got to perform a yoga asana dance on stage at the end of the semester with the other performance classes! (I would love to see that VHS!!)

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