944 8th Ave Suite 1

Alumni of the Month: Lori Leshner

I found Sonic Yoga the first year they had opened.I remember my mother doing yoga in our living room when I was a child. It was her daily ritual. Growing up as a dancer, I never understood what she was doing. I thought, It looked so effortless. What is the point? Well, I wish I knew then what I know now.

My first true yoga experience was at Sonic. I remember some of the placement feeling a little strange because it was slightly different than dance. I remember feeling very calm and content after the practice. I was surprised at how difficult I found it. I said I was going to give this a try. I had started developing injuries, and thought yoga might help me. Well, after 3 months of practicing on a regular basis, I didn’t want to be without it. I found a home at Sonic yoga.

Quite a few years after I had been practicing there regularly, I decided to take the Teacher training program. I was making my living as a dance teacher and choreographer. I found it so fascinating how different the teacher’s classes were and how the classes were put together. I loved the sequencing. I wanted to lean how to do that!!! I can now practice on my own with a sense of purpose. I redeveloped my warm up in my dance classes to make it safer, and just feel better. The teacher training program helped me to look at teaching from a different perspective. I would recommend this to anyone because you really can learn how to practice safely and carry it with you through out your day.

The most important thing yoga has done for me, is help me to realize how important it is to be present. I always try to be in the moment instead of worrying about the future or the past. This was something I used to do all the time. Yoga has taught me how to take a breath and slow down. I’m learning how to focus. I realize it’s a good thing to learn new things every day. I like that yoga isn’t goal oriented. I love the journey. I love that we call it a practice. I love coming to Sonic and seeing the same faces day after day. I love the teachers! This definitely feels like home.
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