944 8th Ave Suite 1


“Reimagining a Practice” by Samantha Leigh

Yoga. What is your first thought when you read that word? What is the first image that comes to mind? For many, the word ‘yoga’ evokes thoughts or images of asana – yoga postures: the awe-inspiring, beautiful pictures we come across on Yoga Journal and Instagram daily. And those photos are worthy of posting and praise; the physical practice of yoga takes dedication and effort. However, ask any student of yoga the same question and perhaps the answer goes deeper. Asana is only one of the eight limbs of yoga (1. Yama; 2. Niyama; 3. Asana; 4. Pranayama; 5. Pratyahara; 6. Dharana; 7. Dhyana; 8. Samadhi). But put even more simply: Yoga is the journey to the self, through the self.

Over the past many months and since the global pandemic reached our shores, some have found themselves with an abundance of bonus time to practice that all-popular third limb of yoga, and others are so overwhelmed that their physical practice has all but disappeared. Some have struggled with all classes moving online, while others have found a new love in at-home practices. Wherever you may fall on this expansive spectrum…you are as you should be. This is part of the journey, too. Maybe your practice is sitting in meditation for 30 minutes at the beginning or end of the day; maybe it is taking 3 deep, mindful breaths, because you have nary a spare moment right now. A practice can be made of many, many things and many different things at different times. It is all Yoga. It is all part of the journey.

So, now think of ‘yoga’ and ask yourself, “what is my journey?” How are you continuing to find your Self?

Seek. Discover. Practice.

Savasana Song of the Month: “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu” by Jane Winther. May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.

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