944 8th Ave Suite 1

Ayurveda Tip January 2019

Tongue Scraping 101

Welcome to the wonderful world of tongue scraping. If you scrape your tongue everyday you are probably enjoying the benefits. If you have never scraped your tongue, it is an essential morning ritual that helps keep your digestive system functioning at an optimal level.
The more toxins you have, the more residue will come out of your tongue .

Upon waking and after you drink a glass of warm lemon water you are ready to begin.

Do not brush your tongue with a toothbrush as this can actually damage sensitive tastebuds.

Stainless steel scrapers are good for all doshas, avoid plastic ones as they can harbor bacteria.
Pittas may use a sterling silver tongue scraper, that will also bring cool and calm to the pitta individual, and Vatas may use uses gold to increase solar energy and heat. Kaphas are the few who may actually use a bronze or copper tongue scraper. Stainless Steel is the most common and is tri-doshic.

Start with long, slow and fairly light strokes from the back of your tongue to the front wiping away or removing any resin. Rinse the scraper in between strokes.
Too much pressure can actually scrape or bleed the tongue so it’s better to start light and add even pressure.
7-14 times should be sufficient.

If the results reveal clear and watery liquid, it means you have low toxins in your colon and have a very clean digestive tract.
If you have brown or yellowish residue or if it is cloudy, you have medium level of toxins, and probably need to improve your digestion or eating habits and if the residue is dark or black indicates that there is a serious level of toxins in your colon.

After scraping your tongue make sure to also brush your teeth and don’t forget to smile. The Caraka Samhita, one of the earliest texts containing Ayurveda wisdom says that scraping your tongue “removes foul smell, tastelessness and Ama.” Ama is the toxins that are unwanted and a build up can lead to diseases. So not only keep your tongue clean but watch for any signs of imbalance. And if you find yourself without a tongue scraper you can use a spoon. 

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