944 8th Ave Suite 1

Pose of the Month: Leslie Levison Chooses Ustrasana-Camel Pose

Pose name is Ustrasana-camel pose (“ustra” means “camel” and “asana” meaning “pose”)

This pose is a backbend that stretches the entire front of the body (the chest, shoulders, abdomen, quadriceps, hip flexors and thoracic).  It also stimulates the nervous system, thyroid, improves circulation and spinal flexibility strengthening all the back muscles and improving posture.  Camel pose creates space in the chest and lungs, increasing breathing capacity and helps to relieve respiratory ailments.  It also stimulates the kidneys, which helps to improve digestion (detoxing the body).  This pose has so many benefits as it energizes the body and helps to reduce stress, fatigue and anxiety.

Those of you who know me know that I love heart opening yoga poses.  This pose helps to open the heart and throat centers that are often closed off and protected which resulted in slouching and poor posture.  At 5’ 2” I am very interested in not loosing any height :>)!

Let’s open the Body and the Mind while we increase our breathing capacity and calm our emotions.  This pose an release many emotions -let them process through you and you will come to a much calmer richer space both mentally and physically.

I love to share the LOVE with you all! 

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