944 8th Ave Suite 1

Pose of the Month: Allison Field Chooses Trikonasana

Trikonasana | Triangle Pose
Trikonasana has always been one of my favorite postures and it is not just because of the glorious hip pop/adjustment you may experience when moving into the pose. I feel that I am shining like the sun’s rays in Trikonasana with so much energy radiating in all directions (aka Vyana-Vayu)! The word “Trikonasana” comes from the Sanskrit words “tri,” (meaning “three”), “kona” (meaning “angle”), and “asana” (meaning “pose”).

To get into the pose take a wide stance with the legs and face the front foot forward and the back foot at 75° with the front heel aligned with the arch of the back foot. Reach the arms wide and continue to reach long with the front hand to allow the side to stay lengthened as you bring that front hand to the shin or Earth as hips slightly shift back and top hand reaches to the sky as the gaze follows. Imagine you are between two panes of glass bringing the heart slightly back and the hips gently open and forward. Drive even more energy into the edge of the back foot and grow the crown towards the front of the room. I like to use light pressure in my bottom hand against the front leg to turn the body even more open to the side wall. Even finer alignment – smile! 🙂

There you have it! Now go TRI it at home! 

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