944 8th Ave Suite 1

You need this to become more flexible by chris temple

You need this to become more flexible.

If you are interested in increasing your flexibility you probably already know that you absolutely must stay hydrated to keep bone strong, joints open and muscles supple.But maybe you, like many people, think that the best way to stay hydrated is to simply drink lots of water . If that’s the case, you’re probably taking a few more trips to the bathroom than you need to. 
Don’t get me wrong, drinking fluids is an essential part of keeping the body healthy, both for hydration as well as helping to flush toxins from the body. But without one more essential ingredient to that equation, you’re just pissing away an amazing opportunity to soak those fluids down to a connective tissue level. What is that ingredient you ask? Well let me tell you. 

Movement, and even more importantly, movement in non-vector based lines. 
Excuse me? Come again?
In yoga sometimes we use the word sahaja or spontaneous movement. You’ll be on hands and knees or in a downward facing dog, maybe even a cobra and we’ll tell you to move, bend, slither & sway in any and all directions based on inspiration. One cue that I love toI use when I teach is to imagine that you are a dog being sprayed by a cool water hose on a hot summer day. You’d wiggle and wind until that refreshing water hit deep down in every nook and cranny of your hot sweaty fur. 
Now if you’re imagining a dog anything like my old Rex was, you might imagine a slightly spastic or chaotic movement, especially when she didn’t see me for a whole day. What we want is for the movement to be more fluid and lyrical. 
Perhaps bringing a few more animals onto the palette will spark some creativity in the department of movement for you. I bring onto the stage the snake, the dolphin, the shark or the elephant. Watch a few Youtube videos in these categories and you’ll have a fresh palate of ideas that are sure to inspire these wavy, undulating, feel great, drink it in deep, movements. Start small and let the movement grow as you feel more comfortable. 
If we are still not clear, perhaps I should call upon the power of Geometry. Wait!!! Now before you run off, don’t worry, I mean a very simple level of geometry. I give you shapes. The next time you are in any of your poses or transitions, imagine what those movements would be like if you we to incorporate movement along the shapes of a circles or and “S” curve wavy line rather than a straight line, a triangle or a square. If you a more analytical sort of being, this might speak a little more clearly to your hydration inspiration.
So now the next time your chugging your 32oz bottle of refreshing H20 remember if you want to soak up as much of that goodness as possible get on your mat (allowing enough time for digestion) and start to sway. You now have the tools you need to take that hydration deep down into your soul. Even put on your favorite sensual song and let the music free and inspire.
See you on that mat!
Chris Temple


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