944 8th Ave Suite 1

Squeeze your Guts by Chris Temple

Spring is finally here. It is time to shake off the winter cold. Time to make space for new ideas and growth, clearing space for creativity and renewed energy. One great way to do this is to squeeze your guts! Maybe its with a good twisting pose or maybe by getting a good hearty hug from someone you love. Either way, now is the time to capitalize on the benefits of a good wringing out to help circulate oxygen through the body, compress the digestive organs, tone up the belly muscles and release any ‘stuck stuff’ congested in the body. In between those heartfelt hugs and twisty poses, here is a recipe from a friend that I love to help with those detoxifying juices flowing.

1 part cloves
1 part black pepper
1/3 cardamom
1/3 cinnamon
1/3 ginger
Ground everything down and boil. Then mix with your favorite black tea!!


photo by carolinealarcon.com 

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