944 8th Ave Suite 1

shift of seasons from summer to fall with lauren hanna

Namaste Dear Teachers

I hope you are happily preparing for the shift of seasons from summer to fall.  Now is the time to dig deep into your practice and reconnect to your vata pacifying practices to ground and find your center.  The change from summer to fall is a powerful one. It can be easily navigated by a renewed commitment to daily dinacharya and regular meditation.

I am truly blessed to have been introduced and inspired at this time of year by my teacher Shiva Rea and the Hindu Festival of Navaratri. This experience allows us to transform the shadow world, celebrate the abundance of now and move gracefully towards subtlety during the difficult transition of the fall season. I have experienced this cycle many times before, but none has been more potent than now.  

The nine-night festival celebrates the Goddess Shakti in her triple form.  
The first three nights honoring Durga, and the practice of letting go, of surrendering, releasing unnecessary stress and all that does not serve us.  

The second three nights are a tribute to Ma Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance and beauty. This time has been a deep realization of gratitude for my life, for my loved ones, my community and all of the love that I am surrounded by.  And working through the challenges of receiving that love and feeling deserving of it.

The final three nights beginning today are dedicated to Ma Saraswati, the goddess of inner awareness, subtle creativity and refinement.  The energy of Ma Saraswati supports movement towards deeper internal practices at this time of year allowing us to connect with the presence of Ma Shakti and cultivating deep peace and stillness within our heart and souls.

I have included in this newsletter my favorite Navaratri playlist and a sequence for you to enjoy as part of your home practice. Please let me know if you have any question.

I hope to see you all on Oct. 16 for our Fall TT Kula gathering in celebration of Navaratri.  Join me and Thomas Wave on Live Sitar for a celebration of Navaratri the Hindu festival of the Goddess, together we will explore the vibration of the Goddess in all her forms through asana, pranayama, mantra and Mudra. Lauren will guide you through a special Yoga Nidra practice dedicated to the Goddess, we will melt into her arms and feel our bodies merge with her bliss.

 All welcome 

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