944 8th Ave Suite 1

Sacred Space by Christopher Temple

Just last week I had the joy of hosting a Cacao Ceremony and Sound Meditation with a friend and colleague of mine, Graciela @manifestyoursoul. It was a wonderful evening. I performed a sound meditation and Graciela provided a beautiful Cacao ceremony. It was magical. It reminded me of the importance of creating sacred space for having rituals or ceremonies or even my daily practice. By creating sacred space, we are humbly asking the divine energies to come and dwell within that space. According to Alberto Villoldo, “within sacred space we have extraordinary spiritual assistance available to us. When we call within sacred space, the Universe conspires on our behalf.” Whatever the reason is to call in sacred space, the intention carries an unyielding presence of love and focus for it to open. When sacred space is created, the veils between the physical and spiritual worlds begin to thin and the feeling of transformation within becomes completely authentic and unique.
With the recent event of the ceiling in my apartment caving in, I’ve had the joy (with my girlfriend at the helm) or rearranging my apartment. We are making sure that we have created “sacred space” for practice and meditation. Could I do my practice anywhere? Of course, but when I take the time to clear a spot and mark it for this very specific purpose, it adds spiritual value to this place and allows me to truly connect with the divine.

So if you have a favorite place to practice or meditate in your apartment, or if you can create one, I highly recommend you save it for your practice. Don’t let distractions in that space, leave the cell phone and work out so that you can connect with that divine energy and find your bliss. Perhaps a special seat or cushion, create an altar or just use an alter cloth.  Smudge that space with sage and ask the divine energies to come dwell there. Decorate the space with any inspiring photos or pictures of people or saints that have special meaning to you. Commit to spending a few moments of your day to thank the divine for your journey and ask for protection and wisdom as you make it through your day.
See you on the mat!
Christopher Temple 
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