944 8th Ave Suite 1

Namaste Dear Sonic Tribe by Lauren Hanna

Namaste Dear Sonic Tribe
We enter into spring with hope and vision to release the darkness and awaken to
the light. The current #neveragain uprising is a part of this powerful process of
transformation. How amazing that the children of America have chosen rebirth as
a theme at this young and innocent time of their lives. I send love and strength to
all beings that are participating in any small way to creating positive change for
this next generation!
Sometimes we have to go into the darkness to truly see the light. As we head
into the Easter and Passover holidays, now is the time to reflect on the themes of
liberation and resurrection. What is it that you are ready to stand up for? What
are the places in your life that you are ready to release and rebirth? I invite you
to dig deep to contemplate this sacred juncture and take a stand. Begin by
taking one step forward to bring your dreams of transformation for yourself and
others into reality.
Here are some of my favorite ways to create strength and empower yourself to
act courageously to manifest your dreams!

  1. 1.) Contemplate what really matters most to you. Create a list of those
    qualities that you want to cultivate in yourself, your community, your
    country. Put them in order and start at the top.
  2. 2.) Create a plan of action. Take one small step at a time.
  3. 3.) Visualize your intention and see your new reality.
  4. 4.) Renew your body with a spring cleanse.
  5. 5.) Purify your home with a deep spring cleaning.
  6. 6.) Prepare your computer with a file purge.
  7. 7.) Radiate your energy field with Bhastrika – Breath of Fire.
  8. 8.) Strengthen your mind with meditation.
  9. 9.) Expand your heart field by giving and receiving love.
  10. 10.) Awaken your spirit with finding joy and bliss in every day.Try this Ego Eradicator Kriya from the Kundalni tradition upon rising to energize
    your day and empower your path of liberation!

This is my most favorite spring practice its wonderful for clearing out the
stagnation of winter and awakening the radiance of spring. The Ego Eradicator
also expands your lung capacity consolidates your magnetic field, increases vital
energy, clears your mind, balances and restores your nervous system and brings
your brain hemispheres to a state of alertness. It helps to release negativity and
blockages, awakens your strength, works on the ego and opens the heart center.
The result is feeling energized and open towards ourselves, others and life in
general. It prepares us to face the challenges of our day with a radiant glow in
our heart.

Contraindications: Pregnancy, menstruation
To Practice:
The practice can be done in Sukasana or Virasana. Raise the arms up to a 60-
degree angle, creating a V for victory. Keep the elbows straight and the
shoulders down. Drop the chin to the chest and lift the chest to the chin. Curl the
fingertips on to the pads of the palms at the base of the fingers. Thumbs are
stretched back, pointing towards each other. Eyes are closed, and focus is at the
crown chakra above the head.
Begin to pump the diaphragm, practicing bhastrika or breath of fire. Strong sharp
rhythmic inhale exhale through the nose like a bellows. Begin by pumping for 1
min and build up to 3 min per day.
To end the practice inhale deeply and bring the arms overhead with the thumb
tips touching. Open the fingers, exhale and relax the arms down. Option to retain
the breath in Maha Bhanda locking the pelvic floor, naval center and throat.
Exhale deeply and let the radiant glow wash over you!
©The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

With liberty & light


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