944 8th Ave Suite 1

Manifestation – I am

Spring is still springing. What are we manifesting? Here is a word that we hear a lot about these days. What does it mean? I’m a strong believer in the law of attraction. We attract what we put out there. If we want to attract better relationships, better finances, better jobs, better situations, we need to acknowledge this with everything that we are so that we can start bringing these ideas into fruition. Call it a prayer or an intention if you will. A lot of times we put vibes of manifestation out there but we don’t even realize that we are doing it. We think we are just riding the wave but the truth is, if we aren’t making choices we might be getting swept away in the current of mismanifestation. If we aren’t deciding, by default, we actually ARE deciding. If you want to bring something new into your life you must see it first. We need to be clear about what it is that we are asking. What is it that we want? When are we hoping to have it? We then can create a daily meditation inviting these things into our lives. With this meditation we start to rewire our perception of things so that we can keep our sites on the things be are trying to acquire and accomplish.

Here is 6 ideas that can help bring about new and wonderful things into your life.

1) Start with a Kriya. This a wonderful kapalabhati kriya with the use of the arms to support the intention of opening up and eradicating the small mind aka the ego. Start with the arms up on the inhale. Pull the arms sharply down by your sides on the exhale. Continue for 90 seconds.

2) Clear the mind of doubt. Write down a few affirmations to free ur mind from the bondage of negativity. Keep your affirmations in the now. Here are some examples from my own work. You’ll repeat these on a daily basis.

“I am reshaping my destiny”
“I make great decisions”
“I follow through with the great choices that I make”
“I am focused on the choices that I make”
“I am worthy of the abundance of the universe”
“ I am deserving of the gifts of the universe”
“ I surround myself with people who support the choices that I make”

3) Get very clear on what it is you are asking for. Make sure that you write it down.
“I want to manifest a more loving relationship with my partner”
“ I want to go back to school to increase my education”
“I want to increase revenue in my business”
“ I want to have a child”
“I want to be more patient with my employees or coworkers”

4) Believe it! Here is where we own it. “So hum” is a Vedic mantra meaning, “I am” This a a wonderful practice is manifestation. Better if we say these out loud.
“I am Abundance, So Hum”
“I am Joy, So Hum”
“I am Forgiveness, So Hum”
“I am Love, So Hum”
“I am an understanding friend”
“I am a great lover”

5) Breathe into it and listen. Take a few moments to just breathe in silence and focus on tuning into any messages that might be being sent in that moment or during the day. The answers will come if we are patient and constantly tuning in.

6) Be Grateful we awake.
Make sure to that the universe for having your back. Promise that in that gratitude you will be ready to receive all the joy and bliss that the day holds for you. Promise that you will take action when you see these moments to move forward in your quest.

Can’t wait to hear about what you are bringing into your life…

See you on the mat,

Christopher Temple 

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