944 8th Ave Suite 1

Lauren’s Opening Thoughts

Namaste Dear Teachers,
I’m so happy to be writing to you on the eve of the Spring Equinox. The sacred juncture of the year where we celebrate the halfway point between darkness and light. It’s such a beautiful time to be alive, to experience the days growing longer and the sun shining warmer. Just as the dormant buds are preparing to bloom, so is the inner connection to abundance and bliss.
This year my favorite Hindu holiday Navaratri begins on the Spring Equinox. This sacred celebration of the Goddess will continue for nine nights. During this period we go into a radiant celebration of Ma Shakti in all her forms. We celebrate Ma Durga, goddess of power, transformation and surrender, Ma Saraswati, goddess of the
sublime flow of wisdom and creativity and Ma Lakshmi, goddess of love, beauty and abundance. This sadhana mirrors the movement of the emergence of spring. It is a time of renewal and rebirth, awakening and expansion.

Navaratri is the perfect time to cleanse or nourish your body with simple foods, to clean and purify your home with love and attention and to invoke ritual and practice to honor the Goddess in all of her inner and outer forms. If you’d like to join a formal Navaratri ritual practice, sign up here to follow along with myself and my teacher Shiva
Rea: http://www.yogaalchemy.com/courses/navaratri-spring

Please join me for a Free Spring Equinox Meditation Call tonight at 8pm to honor the transition from winter to spring. In this potent practice we will meditate to release the stagnation of winter and open to the clearing energy of spring. We will take time to reflect inward, create space for the inner knowing to blossom, while cultivating positive vibrations for a powerful inner and outer transformation. Together we will awaken our
personal path of manifestation to endless abundance and bliss.

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