944 8th Ave Suite 1

Benefits of Ginger and Fall/Winter Practice to Ground Excess Vata with Jeffrey Duval

You probably know that fresh ginger is good for you, but do you know why?

Ever wonder why some places serve ginger tea, or give you ginger candies after dinner? The next time you reach for the Advil, try having a cup of ginger tea instead.


  • Aids digestion
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Improves the secretion of digestive enzymes
  • Cures short and long term indigestion
  • Helps with nausea or motion sickness
  • Improves peripheral circulation
  • Heats up the body
  • Reducing feelings of cold and pain, good for Vata or Kapha folk in Winter
  • Removes mucous, or excess Kapha in the lungs
  • Helps with some allergies
  • Alleviates coughs, colds and breathing difficulties
  • Reduces inflammation by inhibiting the activity of prostaglandins
  • Used to treat arthritis
  • Hot, fresh ginger tea is great medicine for menstrual cramps
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • High in Manganese which is critical to maintain bone structure, metabolic activity, blood sugar control and protects against free-radical damage
  • Ginger has a rejuvenating effect on the body/mind
  • Considered Sattvic: helps to promote a calm, peaceful mind

When ginger is added to anything, it increases its healing power. Pittas be careful to mostly use fresh ginger, as powdered is more intense and increases Pitta. Ginger reduces Vata and Kapha.

The easiest ways to make ginger a part of your regular routine is enjoy tea, or for a special treat you can enjoy (Wicked) Hot Apple Cider!

(Wicked) Hot Apple Cider

One of my favorite fall drinks is mulled apple cider. While this drink can be high in sugar, it’s a delightful seasonal treat, and it’s easy to make. To make it even more medicinal, add a shot of bourbon. If you’re throwing a party, there’s nothing like a big batch of this sweet seasonal treat, to fill your home with the warming and inviting scents of cinnamon and cloves.

(Wicked) Hot Apple Cider:

20 whole cloves

5 lady apples

1 gallon apple cider

2 cinnamon sticks

Fresh grated ginger

Zest of 1 orange

Press 4 cloves into each lady apple. Place cider, cinnamon, orange zest, and studded lady apples in a large pot, and warm over medium-low heat. Let steep for 1 1/2 hours, without boiling, until aromatic and flavorful.

There is nothing more comforting and welcoming than a home that is simmering with the steamy pot of Hot Apple Cider on the stove, literally dispersing the healing qualities of ginger, like an atomizer, into the air.

Now after we’ve had our tea or cider, we are ready for a nice fall practice. Consider replacing your regular yoga practice with a brisk fall walk. In the Winter months, even when it is bitter cold, try to be out in the sun for at least 30 minutes. Avoid binging on Netflix and overindulging in Kapha treats, like alcoholic drinks and sweets.

Generally we want to kindle the fire of our practice, particularly if we are feeling sluggish, or low energy. But if we are feeling depleted and also Vata-deranged then its recommended to enjoy hip opening poses and forward bends to calm the nervous system.


Step One

Create a Sacred Space

Usually if I’m practicing at home, I will clean my home and refresh the altars before I begin. If you don’t have an altar you can simply honor your inner altar of your body by cleansing it first and wearing fresh clothes.

Light some candles and find music that moves or relaxes you, and turn off all devices.

Make sure there are no drafts, and its nice and warm, begin by facing East or West and align your inner Sun with the Sun at the Center of the Solar System.

Step Two

Find your Breath

Start with slow sips of ocean breathing (Ujjayi Pranayama) to calm your nervous system. As you connect with the Life Force or Prana, feel where in your body if there is any pain, or region that needs TLC, and listen as you dedicate your practice before chanting OM.

Step 3-THE SEQUENCE Sun A or B

Make sure to modify chaturanga if you have any shoulder issues, or you could practice Chandra Namaskar for a more Lunar Practice.

Kaphas need around 12-19 rounds Vatas need around 6-12

Pittas need around 3-6

Standing Poses each 5 breaths

Vira 2

Parsva Vira Parsvakonasana Ardha Hanuman

Vinyasa Repeat Left

Kaphas can repeat this sequence twice more Vatas once

Pittas can move forward

(Seated Poses at least 5 breaths, stay up to 1-2 minutes for a more relaxing result. Vatas should stay as long as possible.)

Baddha Konasana or Agnistambhasana Ardha Matsyendrasana

Janu Sirsasana

Stay seated and Repeat Left

Meditation or Legs up the Wall


Do not rush. Also Pray for others who need the light and salvation of Wisdom and Protection.


May all Beings be Protected from Harm May all Beings enjoy Peace and Happiness

May the Light of Wisdom shine in the hearts of those in Power.

And those in power protect us, our lives, our equal rights, our freedom, our planet, the plants, the animals, and the environment.


JOIN JEFFREY FOR A KULA YOGA TRANCE DANCE: Saturday December 15th, 6:30-8:30PM 

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