Sonic yoga then entered my life. My first class was Jeffrey’s Flow 3. The class felt like an athletic dance routine, and I was highly skeptical that this was going to help me meditate. Nevertheless, the people around me in class looked flexible and appeared happy. I stuck with it, and a world of wisdom dropped in front of me.
Teacher training opened the door to the question of how to live. Sonic TT should be renamed Art of Living training. The teachers exude genuine love, and that love permeates the entire studio. I have learned how to stand, how to stand on my head, how to eat, how to sleep, how to treat others, how to be part of a community, and how to maintain physical and mental health. My study and practice of philosophy and meditation have also blossomed, pervading my life at every moment and in every way. And best of all, I can finally sit cross-legged!