944 8th Ave Suite 1

Namaste Yogis – Darby Canessa

Namaste Yogis!!
I hope this message finds you in good health. My heart goes out to everyone in the world right now: to the essential workers, to the unemployed, to small businesses, to those battling depression or anxiety, to those losing loved ones, to those who feel lost or broken, and to everyone with a heart that beats and longs for the day when we can embrace each other again. I am here for you. In a time of uncertainty, I’ve become more certain of the beauty Yoga has to offer. What I am noticing in this time of physical disconnection is an opportunity to explore energetic and spiritual connection. Although I am currently writing to you from California, I still feel very connected to the Sonic community. This has been a rollercoaster of emotions, moments of peace followed by moments of chaos, but underneath it all, there is self-discovery. One of the beauties of these online yoga classes is that I have been able to modify in ways I have not explored before. Through these modifications, I make decisions based on what my emotional, physical, energetic, and mental body needs, but all while staying connected to the flow that the wonderful Sonic teachers offer. It is a journey of the self and the Self. It is an opportunity to practice self-love in order to send the healing vibration of love into a world that could really use it. So today I offer you this video of the mantra “Ahum prema”, which translates to “I am love.” I hope you continue to stay safe and find practices of self-love!

I love you!

Darby 🙂

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