944 8th Ave Suite 1



I’m walking around with a pit in my stomach over the hate crimes that took place last week. It breaks my heart to witness the deep level of divisiveness in this country today. In my lifetime I have never seen so much hate and anger being expressed in such an outward display.   In this forum I am not going to place blame or talk politics, but I am going to urge you all to not only get out and vote on November 6th, but to stand up for what you believe in and to act to support those beliefs.

Call the local campaign offices for your representatives and volunteer to step up and contribute. Act with kindness and acceptance in the world. Practice tolerance and equanimity. Catch yourself before judging, gossiping or contributing in any small way to the negative current that is flowing right now. It’s up to us to each and every one of us to monitor our actions, to make a conscious choice to create a free world free from violence and separation.

I’m not sure how life can be so painful and joyous at the same time . . I feel so angry, helpless, and sad right now. Yet, at the same time I am feeling so much love and joy for the compassionate family, friends and community I am blessed to share my life with. I see so much goodness in those around me, that it gives me great hope for a solution for a brighter future. But now is not the time to be complacent, we all need to step in, take action and create change.

As Yogis and Yoga teachers, we are given an opportunity, we have a voice. We are the ones that have been chosen to teach the basic principles of Yoga beginning with the First Yama, Ahimsa, the practice of being kind, non-violent. This very simple practice if followed could change the world ! Practice this message in your own life, share it with your friends, students and community. Meditate and visualize a better world, one fueled with love not hate.   Our actions matter. Vote Contribute and Act.

Please join me for a transformational online collective meditation call on Wednesday Nov. 14th at 8pm, Together we will explore the first Yama (Yogic principle) of Ahimsa (non-violence) and come together for a Metta Kindess healing meditation from the buddhist tradition. We will awaken the deep well of our kindness and practice together to expand it out in a broad circle of love to all beings everywhere. All welcome. Register here:  https://zoom.us/meeting/register/ab58b4bea1b3591334538d7d4481ef37

We can do this !

With Love,

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