944 8th Ave Suite 1

Trinity Place Shelter – The Sonic Creative Live Raising Funds + Spirits

Sat. Oct. 11th at 7pm  The Sonic Creative Live is presenting an electric art show and line up of live performances! Music. Dance. Comedy. Art. Photography. Spoken Word. It will be an evening of eclectic talent that you won’t want to miss! All proceeds from the door (suggested $10) and raffle go to Trinity Place Shelter. We are so excited to raise funds for this special sanctuary in New York!

Trinity Place Shelter is a non-sectarian, 10-bed transitional shelter that provides LGBTQ youth and young adults with a safe place to sleep, shower, eat and store belongings. They provide individual and group counseling, independent living supportive services, and access to transportation.

They provide case management, education, career counseling, access to comprehensive health services, art classes and mental health services utilizing community partnerships. All youth referred to Trinity Place are interested in and assisted with actively seeking employment or schooling.

They provide a unique home and family-like environment where youth receive individualized care, respect, and the basic services so often denied them.

New York City has the second highest number of homeless youth of any major city in the country. It’s estimated that about 40% of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ, with a high proportion identifying as transgender. There are as many as 8,000 LGBTQ youth/young adults currently living homeless in NYC and only 250-350 beds are specifically available for LGBTQ youth. These youth often experience abuse and trauma in other shelters and on the streets, and have often been the victims of physical, sexual and emotional abuse at home.

Their goal is to provide homeless LGBTQ youth with the basic support, shelter and skills necessary to make the transition to independent living, and to make a positive difference for as many as possible in the midst of this crisis.




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[…] will be a $10 suggested donation at the door and raffle tickets will be sold to raise funds for Trinity Place Shelter. “Our mission is to help homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer (LGBTQ*) youth […]

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