944 8th Ave Suite 1

What Moves Me? by Pamela Lyn

What MOVES me?
The energy of the community
The radiating warmth of the sun
The deep love in my heart
And the fiery passion in my soul, motivation burning hot like a super nova.

What moves me?
The performances I see in my mind. Visualizations constantly occurring if I take the time to pause & peer inside, view the inner space like a live theatre showing.

Or perhaps it’s the music that fills my ears.
Or even just the ability of my body to flow free
The articulation in which my musculature can express
My desire to say
What my voice cannot. What my words are often unable to articulate.

Perhaps it is the earth’s energy
Conjuring up a circulating wind within,
Stirring my meditations to such a degree
That they must come to life.

Visions of shapes shifting
Dancing, spirits flowing in creation
A desire to be let loose.
I feel inspiration
Internal, yet so life-like, with the need to be expressed from inside-out.
It wraps it’s arms around me
Like a warm hug
Never letting me go.
It is always present
Begging to be expressed,
And can be found …
Anywhere. Everywhere.

I am moved by life. The universe. By the simplicity, yet complexity of breath. In everything. All of nature pulsates.

I am ever yearning to connect and discover
More, more
Of what moves me.

For it truly is
A never-ending cycle of
Artistic bliss.

And oh how grateful I am.

See Pamela Lyn perform in THE SONIC CREATIVE LIVE


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