944 8th Ave Suite 1

Sonic Alumni Highlight: Hannah Lowe Corman

Even though yoga has become an integral part of my life, it still holds that special quality of escape for me. I started practicing in 2005, when I took a yoga class for college credit, which was the beginning of this excited, FUN, feeling I still get when practicing and learning about yoga. Who gets to move and stretch and relax and have that count towards a degree?! How wonderful!
I chose to go through yoga teacher training in 2009, when I was in the thick of my corporate-world career because yoga and meditation evened me out: when practicing regularly, I was less agitated, slower to get upset, able to deal with sticky situations from a detached and more objective perspective. And the training blew me away: I hadn’t ever been as exposed to the depth of information around the anatomy, yoga history and minutia of each pose, and this learning strengthened my love of the practice.

Now, I am so much more aware of my body and the way it moves. Having left “Corporate America” to pursue painting and teaching yoga, I now love helping others access their understanding of their own bodies and how they can strengthen and heal both mentally and physically through yoga and meditation. I love seeing those ah-ha moments, and I still have them myself. I’m excited to continue learning, broadening and deepening my understanding of yoga. Going through prenatal yoga teacher training last year while also being pregnant myself was an incredible experience for which I am so grateful.  And I always look forward to sharing my knowledge and insight with my students!
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