I was well into my first trimester of my first pregnancy, when I started teacher training at Sonic Yoga. My pregnancy was unplanned, and I was not sure how to prepare for the intense training to come over the next few months. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t a struggle to get up on the weekends after working all week, and head to teacher training all day when morning sickness was at its peak. But as I clung to my pillow each morning, I reminded myself who I’d be practicing with all day, and why I was going. Hands down, this group of students and teachers was exactly what I was hoping for – the most kind, honest, driven people that watched me and the baby in my belly grow. We all had different stories, faced different challenges, came from different places – and we all had one thing great in common, yoga. I connected with these people, I learned from them, and they learned from me. Pretty cool. I don’t think anything else could have prepared me better for motherhood. Thank you Sonic Yoga, and thank you fellow yogis.
Aside from my yoga practice and being a kick ass mom, I work freelance for a start-up called MakersFinders directing Content and Consumer Experience, and will be jumping on the yogiprenuer bandwagon soon!
The lessons of yoga are infinite, and I’m looking forward to this endless journey. Enjoy all that is good! Namaste!
“Once in awhile you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right” – The Grateful Dead”