944 8th Ave Suite 1

Ayurveda Wisdom with Jeffrey Duval

Did you know that the days of the week are governed by the planets?

On Mondays it is a nourishing day, it is a good day for self care, to get a massage or to make ghee. Anything that involves nurturing or self care. Wear colors that represent the moon such as white, silver or pink or pale yellow and gems such as moonstone, silver jewelry and light pink corals and sea shells. Use this as a sacred day to go inward and envision how the week unfolds.

Tuesday is ruled by fiery Mars so it’s a good day to get stuff done, tackle those impossible projects and get yourself out of the comfort zone. Wear fire-like colors such as red, gold, orange, and yellow. Similar gems can be worn of corresponding colors like red coral, red Jasper, rubies, gold, etc.

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury and it’s the day to wear green. This is a good day to send out emails, have conversations and to write, anything that involves communication. Emerald, Jade, aventurine, malachite and any other green gems can be worn on this day.

Thursday is the day of Jupiter or the Guru. A day for learning, studying, and honoring your teachers. Wear yellow on this day to align with this enlightening energy. Gold, yellow sapphire, topaz and other yellow gems can be worn on this day.

Friday is ruled by Venus and the Goddess, so dress up, wear purple, pinks, golds, and anything “royal” on this day give thanks to goddess, treat yourself and indulge and enjoy the bounty of the Earth and special outings with friends and loved ones. Amethyst and pink tourmaline or anything that goddess-like such as a tiara or gold cape.

Saturday is Saturn day so bring out all your blacks and dark colors to honor the ginormous Saturn, whose energy forces us to learn the lessons of karma, responsibility and other hard stuff.  Wear blue sapphire, dark blue gems like lapis lazuli, obsidian, onyx and lava. 

Sunday is related to the Sun, so wear bright colors like white, yellow, red and orange. This is a day to get out into the world and radiate outwards. Like Tuesday pull out your rubies, garnet, yellow sapphires or topaz, pyrite and all that glitters and radiate with solar energy.

Sometimes the color of your clothes can make a difference by slightly changing your mood and how others view you.

Don’t wear black everyday just because you live in New York and it’s fashionable. 

If you hesitate to change your established wardrobe and feel uncomfortable changing it up with colors then add just accessories like gold socks with your black outfit or purple underwear on Fridays. Start small and work your way up to dressing and honoring the energy of the planets.

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