944 8th Ave Suite 1

Junctures of nature

Namaste Everyone,
Although I really was looking for a positive way to begin this note, the truth is life isn’t easy right now. There is a great deal of uncertainty in the lives of some of my dearest friends.  I’ve been doing my best to stay positive which is not easy when your heart is breaking for those that you love.  So, I find myself in a deep state of contemplation.   How do we stay connected to our joy in the midst of the suffering and challenges of life that are beyond our control? I realize that now is the time for me to stay close to nature, to steep myself in gratitude, pray for positive outcomes and stay present in each precious moment.

The good news is that it is time to celebrate the fact that Summer’s getting closer every day. On the first of May we honor the Pagan holiday of Beltane, the midway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. Acknowledging the junctures of nature is one way to stay present and grounded in the moment.

This holiday is rooted in abandon and pure fun. The traditional rituals of Beltane celebrate the divine feminine and include fertility rites, planting ceremonies, goddess worship and ceremonial fires.

Here are some traditional practices you might want to explore to honor this powerful juncture and bring more happiness and joy into your life!

Spring Altar:
Create a spring altar in your home.  Decorate your altar with symbols of nature; add an object to represent each of the five elements, earth, water, fire, air and space.   Plants, stones, shells, water bowls, candles, and incense all add an element of nature.  Add any fertility symbols, including Shiva lingum or Yoni .

Goddess Wreath:
You can also make a wreath of flowers or herbs to represent the goddess. Take some time each day to sit at your spring altar or out in nature and honor the areas in your life where you are experiencing birth, growth and transformation. Create an intention for something you would like to grow and create in your life or the life of someone you love.

Seed Planting:
Try planting some seeds.  If you’ve never done it, it really is a simple task that is super satisfying.  If you have an outdoor space it’s wonderful to plant directly in the earth, but you can also easily plant in a pot in your home.  Choose seeds that are simple to grow such as sunflowers, sweet peas, poppies, nasturtiums or read more here: http://www.thompson-morgan.com/top-10-easy-to-grow-flowers.

Fire Ritual:
Create a fire ritual.  This is traditionally done outside as a bonfire ritual.  But if you don’t access to an outdoor space, you can do it indoors by using a metal or ceramic tray and placing several candles on it.  Sit in front of your altar and concentrate on the flames. Imagine burning away and detoxifying all that doesn’t serve you in your life. Clear and create space for new experiences to blossom.

How do you stay connected to your joy?  Please share your thoughts.

With Love and Gratitude,

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