Unity: Coming Together in Celebration
First, as we move towards the 20 Year Celebration of Sonic, I want to say how grateful I am for each and every one of you and the beautiful contribution you have all made to the Sonic Yoga community.
In celebration of Sonic’s 20-year anniversary I would like to share some thoughts on the practice of Unity.
The challenges of life can always be healed by a commitment to the practice of healing through Yoga. We can shift any perception, thought, action or belief if we put our mind to it.
We experience separation in so many ways yet there are so many opportunities to come together as one.
Our individual self can feel fragmented and disconnected. When we are under stress our body, mind, and spirit can all be experience challenges of different sorts. The practice of Hatha Yoga is about experiencing balance, the coming together of the masculine and feminine energies in each of us. When these two polarities are in equilibrium, we feel a sense of togetherness or oneness.
Then of course, there is the separation that we feel from others. Whether that is an emotional disconnect from your partner, your family, or friends, this can sometimes be the most challenging to heal. Yoga equals union and it not only signifies the union of the parts of the self, but the coming together of self and other.
For many of us, we might also be feeling a cultural divide. We may feel estranged and in conflict with our neighbors, our communities, and our countrymen. Yoga teaches us to acknowledge the embodied differences and rise above to see the similarities in our spirit that unite us all together.
And finally, in this time of technology and doing, some of us might be feeling a separation from nature. The native spiritual traditions, teach us that we all share the same life force energy as all of nature including the plant and animal kingdoms as well as the elements and the cosmos.
We are one and the same essence as the plants, the creepy crawlers, the four-legged ones, the winged ones, the earth, water, fire, air, space, and all that it contains.
When you start to contemplate the vastness of life and imagine yourself one with all of it, you become very clear that you are part of something great and grand. The unity with all that is, can be immensely overwhelming and inspiring.
So, I invite you this month to contemplate this idea of Unity in all aspects of your life.
To pay attention to where you experience separation, and to look towards healing that which divides you from your whole self, your loved ones, your community, and the natural world. And to actively seek to join together to experience the vastness of all that you are.
Here are some practices to help heal through separation and experience unity:
1. Union of the Self – Practice Nadi Shodhana pranayama + Hatha Yoga
2. Union with Others – Practice forgiveness, visualize positive energy healing your relationships, Reach out with loving action.
3. Union with the World – Practice understanding + compassion, Agree to Disagree, Practice Metta Kindness Meditation.
4. Union with Nature- Say thank you. Practice gratitude, Spend time in communion with nature.
5. Union with the Divine – Practice the So Hum mantra, Pray, Create ritual offerings.
Once you are connected to these practices, you can rest into the state of sahaja (spontaneous freedom) where the awareness of oneness never changes. It is in this state of connection that you will begin to feel the presence of the divine current and know that you are one.
With infinite love,